Monday, June 22, 2009

Introducing Our two Babies

These are our two loves. They both are 7 years old, only months apart. Our Shih Tzu's name is Angelbee, and our Chihuahua's name is Spunky.
We got Angelbee first , had to wait to the 8 weeks before we could take her home. So we went to the Pet store to purchase some items for her arrival, and boom boom bang, we saw a beautiful little Chihuahua with big marble eyes, snow white hair and little brown markings here and there. Truely he had us the minute we set eyes on him.. He sat in the Palm of our hands and oops there it is, We took him home with us that night. The rest is history... We love them to pieces. Well hope you enjoy the pictures. thanks for looking. Feel free to leave a comment, would love to hear them.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog. Angelbee and
    Spunky are so cute, but I am a little partial to Angelbee because we are both shih tzu's.

    licks and sniffs, Sasha
